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S2S RED Wood


Suunniteltu keskivertopelaajalle, jolla on tasainen tai keskiverto suunnanmuutos ja tempo sekä varhainen tai keskivaiheen vapautus.

Toimitusaika noin 2 viikkoa.


Tiukka kärki, pehmeällä keskiosalla ja taas jäykkä kahva. Sopii pelaajalle jolla nopeampi tempo ja myöhäinen vapautus. Antaa kontrollia lyöntiin mutta ei tunnu liian tiukalta.


  • S2S Red designed with a unique, different bend profile – the majority of shafts for players with better swing fundamentals follow a similar progression of stiffness of butt firm/center firm/tip stiff over their length.  The butt stiff/center soft/tip stiff design of the S2S Red breaks this tradition to offer the better player a high performance shaft for better control with solid, not too stiff feel.
  • S2S Red shafts are for golfers with an above average to forceful transition and average to fast tempo with a later to very late release to deliver more clubhead stability at impact for control and accuracy but without a “boardy stiff” feel.
  • Fitting difference between S2S Red and S2S Black – the S2S Red and the S2S Black shaft designs can both be played by any golfer with a later to very late release, but the S2S Red is a better fit for the golfer who is a little to a lot more forceful and aggressive on the downswing while the S2S Black is a better fit for the golfer with an average to slightly above average level of downswing aggressiveness.
  • S2S Red iron shafts offer the same butt stiff/center soft/tip stiff design in a heavier > 100g shaft weight for players who wish to switch from steel who are comfortable with a little heavier total weight in the irons.
  • S2S Red Hybrid shafts for players with a very late release with average to above average transition and tempo force with average strength.

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S2S RED Wood
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